Algorithm data sets for the bbob-noisy test suite

In the table below, you will find all official algorithm data sets on the bbob-noisy test suite, together with their year of publication, the authors, and related PDFs for each data set. Links to the source code to run the corresponding experiments/algorithms are provided whenever available.

To sort the table, simply click on the table header of the corresponding column.

Algorithm Year Author(s) Dataset Comment
ALPS 2009 Hornby tgz pdf noiseless
AMALGAM 2009 Bosman et al. tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
BAYEDA 2009 Gallagher tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
BFGS 2009 Ros tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
BIPOP-CMA-ES 2009 Hansen tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
CMA-ESPLUSSEL 2009 Auger and Hansen tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
DASA 2009 Korošec and Šilc tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
DE-PSO 2009 García-Nieto et al. tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
EDA-PSO 2009 El-Abd and Kamel tgz pdf
FULLNEWUOA 2009 Ros tgz original 2009 noiseless paper - original 2009 noisy paper - 2010 comparison noiseless - 2010 comparison noisy
GLOBAL 2009 Pál et al. tgz BBOB-2009 paper not available online - corresponding ECJ paper
iAMALGAM 2009 Bosman et al. tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
IPOP-SEP-CMA-ES 2009 Ros tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
MA-LS-CHAIN 2009 Molina et al. tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
MCS 2009 Huyer and Neumaier tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
ONEFIFTH 2009 Auger tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
PSO 2009 El-Abd and Kamel tgz pdf
PSO_Bounds 2009 El-Abd and Kamel tgz pdf
RANDOMSEARCH 2009 Auger and Ros tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
SNOBFIT 2009 Huyer and Neumaier tgz pdf
VNS 2009 García-Martínez and Lozano tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
1komma2 2010 Auger et al. tgz pdf cmp1komma2mirAnd1komma2mirser - doi - pdf cmp1komma2mirAnd1komma2mirserNoisy - pdf cmp1komma2ser - cmp1komma2serNoisy
1komma2mir 2010 Auger et al. tgz pdf cmp1komma2And1komma2mirser - doi - pdf cmp1komma2And1komma2mirserNoisy
1komma2mirser 2010 Auger et al. tgz pdf cmp1komma2And1komma2mir - doi - pdf cmp1komma2And1komma2mirNoisy
1komma2ser 2010 Auger et al. tgz pdf cmp1komma2 - pdf cmp1komma2Noisy
1komma4 2010 Auger et al. tgz pdf cmp1komma4serNoisy - doi - the other three papers using the data set are not linked at the moment
1komma4mir 2010 Auger et al. tgz pdf cmp1komma4And1komma4mirser - pdf cmp1komma4And1komma4mirserNoisy
1komma4mirser 2010 Auger et al. tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy - pdf cmp1komma4And1komma4mir - pdf cmp1komma4And1komma4mirNoisy
1komma4ser 2010 Auger et al. tgz pdf cmp1komma4 - pdf cmp1komma4Noisy - doi
AVGNEWUOA 2010 Ros tgz mentioned in 2009 paper, data set submitted in 2009, but data presented only in 2010 - cmpNEWUOAFULLNEWUOnoiseless - algname still NEWUOA
CMAEGS 2010 Finck and Beyer tgz pdf noiseless - doi noisy
IPOP-ACTCMA-ES 2010 Hansen and Ros tgz pdf cmpIPOP-CMA-ESNoiseless - pdf cmpIPOP-CMA-ESNoisy
IPOP-CMA-ES 2010 Hansen and Ros tgz pdf cmpIPOP-ACTCMA-ESNoiseless - pdf cmpIPOP-ACTCMA-ESNoisy - pdf cmpBIPOP-CMA-ESNoiseless - pdf cmpBIPOP-CMA-ESNoisy
MOS 2010 LaTorre et al. tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
NEWUOA 2010 Hansen and Ros tgz pdf
RCGA 2010 Tran and Jin tgz doi noiseless - doi noisy
SPSA 2010 Finck and Beyer tgz pdf noiseless - pdf noisy
IPOPsaACM 2012 Loshchilov et al. tgz pdf cmpBIPOPsaACM - pdf cmpIPOP-ACTCMA-ESNoisy - source code
SNES 2012 Schaul tgz pdf
xNES 2012 Schaul tgz pdf - pdf cmpxNESas
xNESas 2012 Schaul tgz pdf - pdf cmpxNES - pdf cmpBIPOP-CMA-ES
PSAaLmC-CMA-ES 2016 Nishida and Akimoto tgz GECCO paper
PSAaLmD-CMA-ES 2016 Nishida and Akimoto tgz GECCO paper
PSAaSmC-CMA-ES 2016 Nishida and Akimoto tgz GECCO paper
PSAaSmD-CMA-ES 2016 Nishida and Akimoto tgz GECCO paper